Google Scholar Beta: Stand on the shoulders of giants

Google靜悄悄的推出了Google Scholar Beta,為學者們提供一個專門的搜尋服務。Google Scholar的內容就是一些論文及學術研究等。靜悄悄得連Google Labs也找不到這服務。


Google Scholar Beta的搜尋結果不單顯示學術文件的清單,更讓你得知有多少地方有同一文件的不同版本。不過,最重要的是,它讓你知道每一份文件有誰人引用了。

暫時Google Scholar不單沒有結連至其他Google搜尋功能,如Web Search / Desktop Search,更加沒有Google Adsense廣告。至於將來會不會有呢,或許New York Times的文章《Google Plans New Service for Scientists and Scholars》可以給我們一點啟示:

The new Google service, which includes a listing of scientific citations as well as ways to find materials at libraries that are not online, will not initially include the text advertisements that are shown on standard pages for Google search results.

However, company executives say it is likely that advertisements will eventually accompany search results on Google Scholar. One academic publishing executive, John Sack, director of HighWire Press at Stanford University, said that such advertising could be quite profitable.

Google Rolls Out Search Product for Scholars (
Google Plans New Service for Scientists and Scholars (New York Times)
Google Scholar (symtym)


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